23 July, 2010

Fearfully And Wonderfully Made!

Do you know what is the most amazing, sophisticated and awesome   'machine'   that has ever been created?  Since its creation, no one has ever been able to recreate or duplicate this wonderful 'machine', and it's unlikely that anyone will, ever!  This machine is none other than your own body!

Do you know?....
  • You were born with 350 bones in your body, and then some of your bones fused as you grow up, and finally  you have only 206  bones!
  • There are more than 600 muscles in your body. You use 47 muscles for a frown, but only 17 muscles for a smile!
  • There are about 100,000 hairs on your head. Blondes have more hairs than black or red hairs.
  • Your blood vessels. if joined end to end will stretch  60,000 miles!
  • The average human body contains enough
    • Sulphur to kill all fleas in a dog
    • Carbon to make 900 pencils
    • Potassium to fire a toy cannon
    • Fat to make 7 bars of soap
    • Phosphorus to make 2,200 matchheads
    • Water to fill 10 gallon tank.
Now, the Systems in brief:  Just to give you an idea of the amazing skill and wondrous creativity of the Creator!

  • The Musculo-skeletal system:
    • Bones give shape to the body, and they also protect important organs inside the body.
    • Muscles are attached to bones, and when the muscles contract, they pull the bones to make movements.
    • All moving joints are self-lubricated so that there will be no friction  of bones. The lubricating 'oil' is manufactured within the joint itself!
    • Bones are as strong as granite. Matchstick-size bone can support 9 tonnes.

Bones & Muscles

Respiratory System:

  • Normal human breathes 12-15 times/min, breathing 6-8 liters of air per minute, up to 11,500 liters in a day!

  • Gas exchange takes place in the lungs : Every minute 250ml Oxygen enters and 200 ml CO2 is expelled from the body.

Heart & Blood (Cardio-vascular) System:

  • Normal healthy adult has about 5 liters of blood.

  • There are about 4,000-11,000 white blood cells and 5.4 million red blood cells in 1 microlitre of blood.

  • All red blood cells are replaced with new ones every 4 months!

  • The heart is a very efficient pump, pumping about 2000 gallons of blood everyday. The whole blood pass through the body every minute! During excercise, it takes only few seconds to do that!

  • Normally the heart beats 70 – 80 per minute, and  about 40,000,000 times in a year!

  • Electricity that makes the heart beat is self-generated within the heart itself.

Central Nervous System:

  • The human brain weighs about 3 pounds.

  • The brain is the centre of a complex computer system more wonderful than the greatest one ever built by man.

  • One human brain generates more electrical impulses in a single day than all of the world's telephones put together.

  • Messages from the brain to the body travel through nerves at a speed up to 248 mile per hour.

  • 43 pairs of nerves are engaged in the whole process out of which 12 pairs of nerves go to and from the brain and the rest 31 pairs go from the spinal cord. 

  • Our whole body has nerves covering a total distance of approximately 45 miles.

Digestive System:

  • The average human produces 10,000 gallons of saliva in a life time. Saliva helps in chewing and swollowing the food.

  • The tongue has about 9000 taste buds.

  • The acid in the stomach is so strong it can dissolve zinc.

  • The stomach lining is changed every 3 to 4 days so that it will not get dissolved by the strong acid.

  • The liver has more than 500 functions!

  • The small intestine is about 20 feet long.  It  handles about 9 litres of fluid  everyday, and passes on about 1-2 litres to the large intestine.

  • Digestion begins in the mouth and ends in small intestine.

Excretory System:

  • Each kidney has 1 million filters.

  • They filter 1.3 liters of blood per minute, and expel 1.4 liters of urine every day.

"I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made".
King David made this observation in Psalm 139:14.  The details of all the systems in the body are too vast and too complicated and far too much beyond the scope of our discussion here. However, I  would like to leave just another two points for further consideration about this wonderful 'machine':

1.  The body is made to be healthy and strong:  The body is made to have the capacity for self-defense, self-repair and self-preservation.  It's a known fact that there are millions of germs floating in the  air we breathe, and  that a square inch of human skin contains about 32 million bacteria on it!  Even then, the body has such an amazingly effective defence mechanism that these millions of germs do not cause any harm to the body under normal circumstances. Let us then look at some of the defence mechanisms of the body:

      • The very anatomical structure: 

        • The most delicate but most important organ (the brain) is housed within the strongest and hardest bony cavity (skull).  Vital structures like heart and lungs  are protected by ribs, which are strong enough but at the same time movable to allow the lungs to expand during breathing.

        • It's fortunate that the nostrils do not point upwards like a chimney! (We are not made to smoke cigarettes!)

        • The intact skin is impenetrable for bacteria!  It also secretes enzymes which easily kills most bacteria and germs.

      • Body fluids:

        • Tears, saliva,etc contains enzymes which kill bacteria easily. Even HIV cannot survive for long in tears.

        • Ear wax traps bacteria, and  mucus secretions from nose traps and flushes our bacteria and viruses from the body.

      • Reflexes:

        • The body reacts automatically to preserve itself against dangers. Sometimes these reactions are so fast that you have no time to think!  How quickly your eyes shut/blink if some objects are about to hit your eyes!  Or if you happen to touch something hot or sharp, you will withdraw your hands automatically and quikly away from danger before you even have time to think!

      • The Immune System:  The immune system is so vast and complex, consisting of various cells,  chemicals and countless inter-related mechanisms and processes.  Let it be just suffice to say that the immune system is the main 'commando force' which defends the body and   fights any invading 'enemies' (disease-causing germs and bacteria).  The immune system is so amazing that once an enemy (bacteria, virus, etc) enters the body,  it produces specific 'bullets' (antibodies) to kill them, and then remembers them and next time they tried to enter the body, they can do no harm because the 'bullets' are ready and waiting for them!

 If the immune system is compromised, for example as in HIV/AIDS, the body is left defenseless and any simple bacteria could now cause serious illnesses.

2. The Body is the temple of the Holy Spirit:
Having seen the wondrous complexities of the human body and its various systems, it is no wonder the Bible says that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and God's Spirit lives in us (1 Corinthians 3:16).  God takes the body very seriously, and the Bible again says, " If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is holy, and you are that temple" (1 Cor. 3:17). "Therefore, glorify/honour  God with your body" (1 Cor. 6:20).

So, please take good care of the temple of the Holy Spirit of God, because you will be required to give account of what you have done with it!

10 July, 2010

Have You Read These Books?- Part II

Continuing with the list of my recommended readings, here are the next 10.  The list has been  randomly arranged, not necessarily in order of my preferance. Well, here we go...

11. Books by A.W. Tozer:   Any of the books written by A.W. Tozer, the '20th century prophet' (as Tozer was called) is worth reading.  His extraordinary command of English language, the clarity of his thoughts and the profound spiritual depth in his writings were remarkable in all his books.  Any Christian serious about spiritual growth and maturity should read Tozer's books.  Some of the titles among his books are:
    -The Knowledge of the Holy
    -The Pursuit of God
    -Born After Midnight
    -The Root of the Righteous
    -I Talk Back To The Devil
    - When He Is Come
    -Tragedy In The Church: The Missing Gifts
    -Whatever Happened To Worship?
    -The Attributes of God
    -That Incredible Christian
    -Man: The Dwelling Place Of God
    -Paths to Power
    -How To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit

  and many others.

12. The Normal Christian Life:  Written by Watchman Nee.
This great Christian classic unfolds the theme of Christ our Life. Watchman Nee takes the reader through principles taught in the book of Romans. The focus of the book is Jesus Christ and the believer's life in Him. Nee reveals the secret of spiritual strength and vitality that should be the normal experience of every Christian. His fresh spiritual insights on the cross and resurrection of Christ have proven a blessing to many. This book is a must read for every Christian who is serious about living a victorious and God-honouring life. Other books by the same author, such as Sit, Walk, Stand;  Love Not The World;  Changed Into His Likeness;  The Spiritual Man; etc are all Christian classics  worth reading for all Christians.  Most of these books are published recently by Christian Literature Crusade, a world-wide body of inter-denominational publishers. Their address in Autralia is:
       CLC Australia: PO Box 2299, Strathpine, QLD, 450013.
       Phone: 07 3881 0511
       Fax: 07 3881 0811

       Website: www.clcaustralia.org

13. Philip Yancey's books:  Philip Yancey is one of my favourite authors.  He has the talent not only of  writing books with attention-grabbing titles, but also bringing out Scripturally-based, fresh insights into many complicated issues in life such as pain and suffering. 
Some  of his well-known, award-winning  titles are   Disappoinment With God;  Finding God In Unexpected Places; Where Is God When it Hurts? ;  What's So Amazing About Grace?  Many of Philip Yancey's books are published by Zondervan.


14. Storm Warning  By: Billy Graham
Published by Thomas Nelson /2010

Global recession, terrorist threats, devastating natural disasters...Do you ever look at the headlines and ask, "What's this world coming to?" In this newly revised and completely updated edition of Storm Warning, Billy Graham takes a deeper look at current events in light of prophecies from the book of Revelation. He provides an in-depth analysis of the four horsemen from Revelation chapter 6, and points to the hope and renewal found in Christ - for our families, our nation and our world.

15. No Wonder They Call Him the Savior
By: Max Lucado
Publisher:Thomas Nelson / 2005
Max Lucado takes you through the drama of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ---bringing to life Peter's denial, Pilate's hesitancy, and John's loyalty. Relive the events leading up to Jesus crucifixion, from the foggy garden of Gethsemane to the incandescent room of the resurrection.
No Wonder They Call Him the Savior leads you up the hill of mankind's highest hope and reminds you why he deserves to be called our Savior.

16.  Death of A Guru :
By Rabindranath R. Maharaj
Published by: Harvest House Publishers

Rabindranath R Maharaj was descended from a long line of Brahmin priests and trained as a Yogi. He meditated for many hours each day, but gradually disillusionment set in. In DEATH OF A GURU he describes vividly and honestly Hindu life and customs, tracing his difficult search for meaning and his struggle to choose between Hinduism and Christ. At a time when Eastern mysticism and religion fascinate many in the West, Maharaj offers fresh and important insights from the perspective of his own experience

17. Imaginations: More Than You Think
By: James P. Gills
Publisher: Strang Communications / 2004 /

In Imaginations: More Than You Think, author James Gills explores three principles that can miraculously transform your life. Discover how your thoughts determine your actions and learn how to surrender your thought life to God. Imaginations shows you how to apply God's Word to your life and seek Him with your mind and imagination.

18. The Hiding Place
By: Corrie ten Boom
Publisher: Random House, Inc / 1982

When the Nazis invaded Holland, Corrie ten Boom's quiet life turned into a nightmare. Because she made her home a "hiding place" for Jews, she and her family were sent to a concentration camp. Refusing to despair, Corrie discovered how Jesus can turn loss to glory! This unforgettable story will move you to tears and to joy.

19. The Bondage Breaker, New Edition
By: Neil T. Anderson
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers / 2006 / Paperback
Featuring a new introduction and cover, Anderson's bestselling book The Bondage Breaker leads you away from the shadows and shackles in your life and toward the freedom that comes when you:
• realize you have the right to be free
• confront the power of Satan
• fight the temptation to do it your way
• trade deception for grace
• affirm your identity in Christ
Anderson ultimately helps you break negative thought patterns, control irrational feelings, and break out of the bondage of sinful behavior. If you're struggling, discover how to embrace the promise of Jesus to win the spiritual battles confronting you.

20. Heaven Is So Real! Expanded Edition
By: Choo Thomas
Publisher:  Charisma House / Paperback

Thomas retells a stunning, personal story of how she saw the living Christ, visited Hell, and walked in Heaven.  Not once but ten times that month, the Lord Jesus appeared by her bedside and spoke to her. Share Choo's humble narrative, as each heavenly visit prepares her for the next; sense the growing wonder of Jesus presence; feel the weight of His tender words; journey through heaven, led by the Savior, learning His holy thoughts; hear the heart-tearing, supernatural words spoken from the throne; drink in the Spirit of God; and wonder at the beauty of this revelation of heaven. Read this book, and you will never be the same! 

04 July, 2010

Have You Read These Books?- Part I

A good book  influences its reader in a positive  way, and a bad one has the exact opposite effect.
In this post, I just want to share with you a list of my favourite Christian books that I found them to be of great help in my spiritual growth and development over the years. Not being a great reader myself, my list is small. However, I am confident that you too will find these books interesting and illuminating spiritually, and I strongly recommend  them for your reading pleasure, if you have not already read them before.
1. The Bible:

The Bible, of course, must top the list. We cannot grow spiritually without a healthy dose of daily Bible reading. I have been following what Tim Lahaye wrote in his book, "How to study the Bible for Yourself" where he recommended making a sacred vow to God: "No Bible, No Breakfast!" You don't have breakfast unless you read the Bible first before breakfast in the morning. For some reason if you have no time to read the Bible, just skip the breakfast! This vow is not to be used as a legalistic bondage but a sacred vow to God which you have made voluntarily and willingly! If you are serious about Bible reading and study, making this sacred vow will help you read the Bible more consistently. Make no exceptions - read daily!

2.The Immitation of Christ:
Author: Thomas a Kempis.
For five hundred years, this gentle book, filled with the spirit of the love of God, has brought understanding and comfort to millions of readers in over fifty languages, and provided them with a source of heart-felt personal prayer. These meditations on the life and teachings of Jesus, written in times even more troubled and dangerous than our own, have become second only to the Bible as a guide and inspiration. A must read for all who are interested in deeper walk with God.

3. The Practice of the Presence of God:

By Brother Lawrence. I don't know if this book is still in print, but I am sure you can access it online. This book will help you discover how to practice God's presence at all times and see His glory in every facet of life.

4.Celebration of Discipline:
A fantastic Christian Classic written by Richard Foster; Published by Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH. This book tells you about classic Christian disciplines such as Meditation, Prayer, Fasting, Simplicity, Solitude, Submission, Service and so on. If you are interested in deeper Christian life and further maturity, this book is a must reading.

5. Purpose Driven Life:
Written by Rick Warren, the founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California;published by Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530, USA. In this book, Pastor Rick Warren will take you through a personal 40-day spiritual journey that will transform your life, answering life's most important questions, such as, What on earth am I here for? What is God's purpose for creating me? What are the most important things in life? Where am I going? etc. If you have not read this book, you should!

6. In His Steps:
Author: Charles Sheldon. Publisher: RiverOak Publishing, P.O. Box 700143, Tulsa, Oklahama 74170-0143. This book is the first entry in '100 Christian Books That Changed the Century' by William J. and Randy Peterson. Asking in genuine faith, 'What would Jesus do?' before doing anything will transform the way you look at things, and it will help you follow Jesus daily walking in His steps! This book is written in the form of a novel, and is easy to read. A must read for every Christian!

7. How to Study the Bible for Yourself:
Written by Tim Lahaye, published by Authentic Books, P1820 Jet Stream Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80921, USA. This book is also published in India by OM Books, Logos Bhavan, Metchal Road, Jeedimetla Village, Secunderabad 500 055, AP. This book will tell you how to study the Bible and where to start! It is a very practical and informative study tool.

8. He Came To Set The Captives Free:
Author: Rebecca Brown MD. Published by Whitaker House, 1030 Hunt Valley Circle, New Kensington, PA 15068. This book is a must for Spiritual warriors, and it will tell you detailed account of Satan's activities today. Frighteningly graphic and real!

9. Entering The Presence of God:
Author: Derek Prince; Publisher (India): Derek Prince Ministries, Rhema Media Centre, 18/32 Mangammal Salai, Renga Nagar, Trichy 620 021, TN.
Legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince shows the way to victorious intimacy with God, and explains how you can move beyond the usual praise and thanksgiving and enter the very presence of God and truly worship Him!

10. Ablaze for God:
Written by Wesley L. Duewel, a former president of OMS International, and a missionary to India for 25 years. Published by Zondervan (as for #5 above). This book describes the spiritual dynamics of leadership, how one can be more fully a Spirit-filled leader, and how to be more aflame for God. It's an amazing and practical book for all Christian leaders and laymen alike.