Looking at what is happening around the world today, it is hard to miss the signs of the end times being fulfilled right before our eyes! Look at the world's economy, the political scene, the religious environment, the medical field, and so on and so forth.
The collapse of Euro, the ever increasing debt pyramid of even the richest nations on earth! The emergence of the New World Order with one monetary system and one world religion seems to be imminent, right around the corner. Paper money and coins are used less and less in the developed world, ushering in cashless societies everywhere. Soon even plastic credit cards, which can be stolen, will be replaced with a more secure system of microchip implants in the body, in the forehead or right hand! This system will not be forced upon people. People themselves will willingly adopt the system which is so clever and secure. No one will bother to heed the warnings of the Bible because taking microchip implant with personal numbers will appear the right and natural, in fact the necessary thing to do if you want to survive in this world. For without the chip and your very own personal number, you will not be able to do any shopping, buying or selling anything. Soon it will be very much possible for one person to monitor and control every people on earth! The Antichrist is waiting in the wings...
Look at the geoplitical climate of the world. The escalating violence and wars, natural disasters and famines, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant germs, the deteriorating moral values of humans, the breakdown of families and marriages, the increasing dominance of gay and lesbian agenda, the growing New Age influence, the ever increasing lawlessness and selfish attitude, the abuse and degaradation of natural resources and environment, the arrogance of the world's rich and political leaders, the progressive widening gap between the rich and poor...
Look at the pace at which world history is being re-written and new histories made...the quick paced political change through the so called Arab Spring, the rise of Islamic fundamentalism, the escalating Anti-Semitism and Anti-Christianity, the insidious change of American democracy to more and more socialistic in nature, the possibility of the emergence of full-fledged political union in Europe some time soon following the current financial crisis, the ever eluding peace in the Middle-East but the increasing likelihood of war in the region...
Look at the widespread apostasy in the church!! The denial that Jesus is the only way to salvation, even by more than 50% among 'evengelical Christians' in America! The ever increasing acceptance of pluralistic teaching which says that there are many ways to God. The loss of evengelistic zeal among the churches, the ever increasing followers of a feel-good, quick-fix and prosperity-now religion among Christians! The silence of many preachers on sin and hell, their hatred for the cross and their loss of heavenly vision are remarkable! The rise of Chrislam, an attempt at combining Islam and Christianity; the abuse of the Word of God and willful wrong translation of it in order not to offend Muslims! The rising hatred for Israel "for occupying the land of Palestinians" even among the so called 'evengelicals' is alarming not just for its political implication but at their ignorance of Biblical mandate. Most astonishing of all recent religio-political stunts is the claim that "Jesus was not a Jew but a Palestinian"! My foot! To what ridiculous low level people could stoop to support their political lie! Extraordinary!
Most of all, look at Israel! Israel is God's time piece! Israelites are God's chosen people. Since their coming into existence as a nation in 1948 after almost 2000 years of being dispersed to all corners of the globe, their growth as a nation is amazing! Being surrounded on all sides by hostile Arab Muslim nations, most of who wanted to wipe her off the map, Israel continue to thrive in her own land in all spheres of life, as if the land and the people were made for each other! Whenever war broke out with the neighbouring nations, it never was the tiny Israel who suffered the loss but always her enemies! The God of Israel seemed to be still fighting for His people like the time of Joshua in the Old Testament. Now since 1967 war, Jerusalem has come in full possession of Israel. It is this Jerusalem, and the land of Israel where end time cosmic drama would be played out! Earthly nations under the Antichrist will battle against the King of kings, the Lion of Judah in the mother of all battles, Armageddon in the valley of Megiddo, Israel! Watch carefully this tiny nation and its people Israelites, the 'apple of God's eyes'! Even though Iran and its allies threatened to wipe Israel off the map, they will not succeed, not because Israelites are mighty but because the God of Israel is mighty in battle!
Remember, the rapture of the church will happen BEFORE the battle of Armageddon and the Great Tribulation. No matter some people tell you differently, do not believe them. The rapture will happen before the great Tribulation. Now there is nothing else that needs to happen before the rapture according to Biblical prophecy. The rapture can happen any day now! Be ready! Be prepared! The Lord is coming soon to take His bride away! He is coming to take only those who are holy and ready for Him!
Come, Lord Jesus!