Then: I thought Christmas was about Santa Claus and raindeers,
Now: I realized Christmas is about a Saviour and a Redeemer!
Then: I thought Christmas was about receiving gifts and presents,
Now: I realized Christmas is about giving gifts and sacrifice!
Then: I thought Christmas was about new dress,
Now: I realized Christmas is about new life!
Then: I thought Christmas was about lights and decorations,
Now: I realized Christmas is about The Light!
Then: I thought Christmas was about the shepherds,
Now: I realized Christmas is about The Shepherd!
Then: I thought Christmas was about the wise men and their gifts,
Now: I realized Christmas is about The Wise God and His Gift!
Then: I thought Christmas was a holiday,
Now: I realized Christmas is a Holy Day!
Then: I thought Christmas was for a season,
Now: I realized Christmas is for eternity!
Then: I thought Christmas was about me,
Now: I realized Christmas is about HIM!
21 November, 2010
10 October, 2010
What Shall I Do With Jesus?
"What shall I do, then, with Jesus who is called Christ?" Pilate asked. (Matt. 27:22)
This question has been ringing down through the centuries, and it is as relevant today as it was on the day Pilate asked this question almost two thousand years ago! Every human being on earth has to answer this question, and your answer will determine your eternal destiny!
Unlike other religious founders of the world, Jesus made some 'fantastic' and 'outrageous' claims upon Himself! He claims to be the Son of God; the Saviour of the world; the Living Bread; the Good Shepherd; the Way, the Truth and the Life; the ONLY way to the Father(God)! He said that those who believe in Him will have eternal life, and those who don't will be condemned! He claimed to have risen from the death, conquered the devil and death, now ascended to heaven and is sitting at the right hand side of the Father! And He also said that He is coming back to earth to judge the living and the dead! He said He is coming soon!
Anyone who makes such claims could either be totally crazy or absolutely omnipotent! If we believe Jesus was a crazy rabbi who was just babbling nonsense, we may not bother to answer the above question. However, if Jesus happens to be what He claims Himself to be, then we better be careful to answer this most important and urgent question: What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?
Indeed, whether we know it or not, this question is being answered everyday by all of us in one way or the other. We may not shout out loud as the Pharisees in Jesus' day saying, "Crucify Him!", but our lifestyles and attitudes nevertheless betray our position! Now let me show you some of the popular answers today:
1. "Crucify Him!": For many in the world today, Jesus is a nuisance, an irritation, an inconvenience! They want nothing to do with Him. They don't want to hear His name. They just want Him to be out of their life. These are the people who are still screaming, but silently, "Crucify Him!".
2. "Make use of Him": During the earthly life of Jesus in the land of Palestine, countless number of people were healed, some raised from the dead, demons expelled from many people! Sometimes whole communities benefitted from His healing power and His love. However, most of those people never bothered to follow Him, or stand up for Him when He needed them. Today, many people want healing and other benefits in Jesus' name, like going to heaven when they die, but never care to follow Him.
3. "Follow Him from a safe distance!": When Jesus was arrested and crucified, some of the disciples followed Him from a safe distance! Some disciples never came out in the open for fear of the Pharisees and the Jewish leaders. Many people today follow Jesus in the same way - from a safe distance. They don't want to upset others. They want to 'strike a balance', they want to keep their head! They don't want to stand out or up, they want to conform with the majority. If others are unhappy with their belief in Jesus, they apologise! They want to play safe!
4. "Follow Him all the way!": When Jesus called some of His disciples, "they left everything and followed Him!" All the disciples of Jesus suffered severe persecutions, and all, except John, were said to be martyred for the sake Jesus. They never turned back! They went all the way for Him! Even today, those who truly know Jesus are willing to go all out for Him, following Him all the way! They are willing to give everything to Jesus, even their own lives! It has been said that there are more martyrs for Jesus in this century than all other past centiries combined! These are the people who said like Paul, " For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain"(Phil 1:21). Even when they are persecuted, they remember the words of Jesus:
"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven". (Matt 5: 11&12).
This question has been ringing down through the centuries, and it is as relevant today as it was on the day Pilate asked this question almost two thousand years ago! Every human being on earth has to answer this question, and your answer will determine your eternal destiny!
Unlike other religious founders of the world, Jesus made some 'fantastic' and 'outrageous' claims upon Himself! He claims to be the Son of God; the Saviour of the world; the Living Bread; the Good Shepherd; the Way, the Truth and the Life; the ONLY way to the Father(God)! He said that those who believe in Him will have eternal life, and those who don't will be condemned! He claimed to have risen from the death, conquered the devil and death, now ascended to heaven and is sitting at the right hand side of the Father! And He also said that He is coming back to earth to judge the living and the dead! He said He is coming soon!
Anyone who makes such claims could either be totally crazy or absolutely omnipotent! If we believe Jesus was a crazy rabbi who was just babbling nonsense, we may not bother to answer the above question. However, if Jesus happens to be what He claims Himself to be, then we better be careful to answer this most important and urgent question: What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?
Indeed, whether we know it or not, this question is being answered everyday by all of us in one way or the other. We may not shout out loud as the Pharisees in Jesus' day saying, "Crucify Him!", but our lifestyles and attitudes nevertheless betray our position! Now let me show you some of the popular answers today:
1. "Crucify Him!": For many in the world today, Jesus is a nuisance, an irritation, an inconvenience! They want nothing to do with Him. They don't want to hear His name. They just want Him to be out of their life. These are the people who are still screaming, but silently, "Crucify Him!".
2. "Make use of Him": During the earthly life of Jesus in the land of Palestine, countless number of people were healed, some raised from the dead, demons expelled from many people! Sometimes whole communities benefitted from His healing power and His love. However, most of those people never bothered to follow Him, or stand up for Him when He needed them. Today, many people want healing and other benefits in Jesus' name, like going to heaven when they die, but never care to follow Him.
3. "Follow Him from a safe distance!": When Jesus was arrested and crucified, some of the disciples followed Him from a safe distance! Some disciples never came out in the open for fear of the Pharisees and the Jewish leaders. Many people today follow Jesus in the same way - from a safe distance. They don't want to upset others. They want to 'strike a balance', they want to keep their head! They don't want to stand out or up, they want to conform with the majority. If others are unhappy with their belief in Jesus, they apologise! They want to play safe!
4. "Follow Him all the way!": When Jesus called some of His disciples, "they left everything and followed Him!" All the disciples of Jesus suffered severe persecutions, and all, except John, were said to be martyred for the sake Jesus. They never turned back! They went all the way for Him! Even today, those who truly know Jesus are willing to go all out for Him, following Him all the way! They are willing to give everything to Jesus, even their own lives! It has been said that there are more martyrs for Jesus in this century than all other past centiries combined! These are the people who said like Paul, " For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain"(Phil 1:21). Even when they are persecuted, they remember the words of Jesus:
"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven". (Matt 5: 11&12).
27 September, 2010
Whose Fool Are You?
Many years ago, I and some of my friends formed a Gospel singing group which was called "Fools For Christ". We sang in churches, and occasionally had open air concerts (which were attended mostly by few curious children and perhaps a few stray dogs at times!) Picking our name right out of Apostle Paul's first letter to the Corinthian church, chapter 4 verse 10, we felt so great spiritually ! As we were carrying our bulky musical equipments on our backs in the absence of any other modes of transport most of the time, we were often seeing ourselves as martyrs for Christ!! Many of our songs were about us being citizens of heaven whereas all others were 'of this world'! It took us some time to realize the difference between merely calling ourselves "fools for Christ" and to be a real fool for Christ!
"Foolish faith":
I often heard someone commenting about someone with a 'foolish faith'. In this age where people refused to believe anything which their five senses could not explain, it is often a challenge to talk about faith in God whom they cannot see! As they accept only the visible, physical world which could be scientifically proven and explained, it is often impossible for them to understand about faith and spiritual matters. However, the Bible very clearly tells us that this visible world is a temporary world, and there is another world which is eternal in nature. That's why "we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal". (2 Cor. 4:18) Another reason why some people could not understand spiritual things is that "the god of this age (Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ". (2 Cor. 4:4) The Bible also says that "the man without the Spirit (of God) does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned". (1 Cor 2:14). Now that explains!
Believe in God, and be a 'fool'!:
Since the time of the Old Testament (of the Bible), people who had faith in God were often considered as 'foolish' or strange people. Abraham must have looked foolish when he believed that he would have a son when he was already an old man and his ninety-year-old wife was already post-menopausal! After having a son miraculously, it must have been even more strange and ridiculous, bordering insanity to see him taking his son Isaac to a mountain to offer him as a burnt offering to God! But at the end of the day, God did not call him a fool, but a 'friend', and counted his faith as righteousness! Abraham became the father of many nations!
Enok must have been criticised as a religious fanatic for having walked with God for 300 years. When he disappeared (God took him), they must have thought that he had paid the price for having been a fool! Perhaps he had been eaten by animals while he was in a state of delirious religious bliss!
Noah was another big 'fool' to have built an ark, very massive size at that, on dry land! We could still hear the laughter of his neighbours down the centuries...what a shame it would have been for his daughter-in-laws to have married to a 'family of fools'! But in the end, Noah was wise and the rest of the people perished in the flood like fools!
Moses was a 'fool' to have left the riches and pleasures of the ancient Egypt, rather choosing to suffer persecution along with the 'slaves' (Hebrews). However, Moses turned out to be the greatest leader of all times! In the same manner, Samuel, David, Daniel and all the prophets and saints of the past have chosen to believe in the LORD their God, ignoring the sneers and labels of the world around them. They do not mind being called "fools" for God!
From Peter, Paul and the early churches, down through the centuries to the present time, the situation remains the same. The world still calls those who believe in God and have faith in Christ as 'fools' and 'fanatics'. However, those who knew their God have always chose to believe God and be "fools". And I, too, would rather be a 'fool' and believe! Amen!
Where is the wise man?
"Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know Him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. ....we preached Christ crucified;..Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser then man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength". (1 Cor. 1:20-25)
Who is actually the fool?
"The fool says in his heart, "There is no God!". (Ps 14:1; 53: 1)
Atheists and agnostics are also fools according to the Bible!
Whose fool are you?
Are you a 'fool' for Christ, or a fool for the world?
"For the message of the cross (of Christ) is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." (1 Cor. 1:18).
"Foolish faith":
I often heard someone commenting about someone with a 'foolish faith'. In this age where people refused to believe anything which their five senses could not explain, it is often a challenge to talk about faith in God whom they cannot see! As they accept only the visible, physical world which could be scientifically proven and explained, it is often impossible for them to understand about faith and spiritual matters. However, the Bible very clearly tells us that this visible world is a temporary world, and there is another world which is eternal in nature. That's why "we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal". (2 Cor. 4:18) Another reason why some people could not understand spiritual things is that "the god of this age (Satan) has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ". (2 Cor. 4:4) The Bible also says that "the man without the Spirit (of God) does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned". (1 Cor 2:14). Now that explains!
Believe in God, and be a 'fool'!:
Since the time of the Old Testament (of the Bible), people who had faith in God were often considered as 'foolish' or strange people. Abraham must have looked foolish when he believed that he would have a son when he was already an old man and his ninety-year-old wife was already post-menopausal! After having a son miraculously, it must have been even more strange and ridiculous, bordering insanity to see him taking his son Isaac to a mountain to offer him as a burnt offering to God! But at the end of the day, God did not call him a fool, but a 'friend', and counted his faith as righteousness! Abraham became the father of many nations!
Enok must have been criticised as a religious fanatic for having walked with God for 300 years. When he disappeared (God took him), they must have thought that he had paid the price for having been a fool! Perhaps he had been eaten by animals while he was in a state of delirious religious bliss!
Noah was another big 'fool' to have built an ark, very massive size at that, on dry land! We could still hear the laughter of his neighbours down the centuries...what a shame it would have been for his daughter-in-laws to have married to a 'family of fools'! But in the end, Noah was wise and the rest of the people perished in the flood like fools!
Moses was a 'fool' to have left the riches and pleasures of the ancient Egypt, rather choosing to suffer persecution along with the 'slaves' (Hebrews). However, Moses turned out to be the greatest leader of all times! In the same manner, Samuel, David, Daniel and all the prophets and saints of the past have chosen to believe in the LORD their God, ignoring the sneers and labels of the world around them. They do not mind being called "fools" for God!
From Peter, Paul and the early churches, down through the centuries to the present time, the situation remains the same. The world still calls those who believe in God and have faith in Christ as 'fools' and 'fanatics'. However, those who knew their God have always chose to believe God and be "fools". And I, too, would rather be a 'fool' and believe! Amen!
Where is the wise man?
"Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know Him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. ....we preached Christ crucified;..Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser then man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength". (1 Cor. 1:20-25)
Who is actually the fool?
"The fool says in his heart, "There is no God!". (Ps 14:1; 53: 1)
Atheists and agnostics are also fools according to the Bible!
Whose fool are you?
Are you a 'fool' for Christ, or a fool for the world?
"For the message of the cross (of Christ) is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." (1 Cor. 1:18).
19 August, 2010
A Doctor's Prayer
I bow my head to You in worship, Most Amazing God, who has created all things for Your glory! Your awesome power and wisdom have been so clearly demonstrated to me right from the day I first observed those intricate anatomical details and myriads of physiological proceses in the human body. Who but You could have created such countless wondrous biochemical pathways within my body? All the systems in my body working in perfect harmony, independent yet dependent on each other! The tireless heart, the awesome liver, the busy lungs, the amazing brain! No human wisdom has ever been able to find where life resides in the body, and where does it come from! No wonder I was created in Your own image!! Oh, such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain! (Ps. 139:6)
All good things in life, including all wisdom and knowledge come from You. I am so honoured and humbled to be one of the privileged few who are called “doctors”. The knowledge I have gained from studying medicine, the experience I have gained in practice, the skills my hands have developed are all Your gifts, and I will ever be grateful to You, My Father! You are the Great Healer, and You have healed the world through Your Son, Jesus Christ.
Never let me forget that You are the One who heals, not me! I am just a humble instrument in Your hand. I may do the cutting and suturing, but remind me that You make the cells grow, the blood flow and the tissues heal! I may administer drugs, but You are the unseen Hand that works inside the body to restore health. If I put myself on a pedestal for saving somebody’s life, humble me with the realization that without You I cannot prolong human life even for a mere second! If I become careless and insensitive to the sufferings of others, remind me that someday I too could be lying on that hospital bed!
Let me never forget that I am Your representative to my patients. Remind me always that my words are as important as my medicines, and that a single word of my mouth could either heal or kill! Teach me that a smile, a kind word, a comforting hand are sometimes all that the patient needs. Help me accept that I do not know everything, and be humble enough to admit when I am wrong.
Never let me lose the vision and the passion I had when I was a student, the vision to be completely in Your will and the passion to serve You my whole life! Let the fire of my zeal for You burn on and burn even brighter when the night comes!
Let me never sell my integrity for money, nor my purity for worldly pleasures! Let me not covet what my colleagues have, but teach me to be content with what You have given me. Teach me how to be rich without possesing, and how to enjoy things by letting them go.
Finally Lord, remind me that I am mortal and have an ‘expiry date’ stamped on me the day I was created. Help me live a simple life, enjoying simple things and never taking things for granted but be thankful for every simple thing. Thank You for the love of family and friends. Let me never forget who I am and who You are! Just as I am an imperfect being, teach me to accept others’ imperfections. Let me never lose the sense of humour, and the ability to laugh at myself! Let me never lose the sense of awe and wonder at Your creation. When I grow old and my eye sights dim, open my inner eyes to see Your beauty that I haven’t seen before. As I have stood many a time by the bedside of a dying man, stand by me O Great Physician, when my eyes close in dead, and hold my hand till the last beat of my heart. Then I shall meet You in the morning on the other side of the curtain!
23 July, 2010
Fearfully And Wonderfully Made!
Do you know what is the most amazing, sophisticated and awesome 'machine' that has ever been created? Since its creation, no one has ever been able to recreate or duplicate this wonderful 'machine', and it's unlikely that anyone will, ever! This machine is none other than your own body!
Do you know?....
- You were born with 350 bones in your body, and then some of your bones fused as you grow up, and finally you have only 206 bones!
- There are more than 600 muscles in your body. You use 47 muscles for a frown, but only 17 muscles for a smile!
- There are about 100,000 hairs on your head. Blondes have more hairs than black or red hairs.
- Your blood vessels. if joined end to end will stretch 60,000 miles!
- The average human body contains enough
- Sulphur to kill all fleas in a dog
- Carbon to make 900 pencils
- Potassium to fire a toy cannon
- Fat to make 7 bars of soap
- Phosphorus to make 2,200 matchheads
- Water to fill 10 gallon tank.
- The Musculo-skeletal system:
- Bones give shape to the body, and they also protect important organs inside the body.
- Muscles are attached to bones, and when the muscles contract, they pull the bones to make movements.
- All moving joints are self-lubricated so that there will be no friction of bones. The lubricating 'oil' is manufactured within the joint itself!
- Bones are as strong as granite. Matchstick-size bone can support 9 tonnes.
10 July, 2010
Have You Read These Books?- Part II
Continuing with the list of my recommended readings, here are the next 10. The list has been randomly arranged, not necessarily in order of my preferance. Well, here we go...
11. Books by A.W. Tozer: Any of the books written by A.W. Tozer, the '20th century prophet' (as Tozer was called) is worth reading. His extraordinary command of English language, the clarity of his thoughts and the profound spiritual depth in his writings were remarkable in all his books. Any Christian serious about spiritual growth and maturity should read Tozer's books. Some of the titles among his books are:
-The Knowledge of the Holy
-The Pursuit of God
-Born After Midnight
-The Root of the Righteous
-I Talk Back To The Devil
- When He Is Come
-Tragedy In The Church: The Missing Gifts
-Whatever Happened To Worship?
-The Attributes of God
-That Incredible Christian
-Man: The Dwelling Place Of God
-Paths to Power
-How To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit
12. The Normal Christian Life: Written by Watchman Nee.

Publisher:Thomas Nelson / 2005
16. Death of A Guru :
By Rabindranath R. Maharaj
Published by: Harvest House Publishers

17. Imaginations: More Than You ThinkBy: James P. Gills
Publisher: Strang Communications / 2004 /

18. The Hiding Place
By: Corrie ten Boom
Publisher: Random House, Inc / 1982

19. The Bondage Breaker, New EditionBy: Neil T. Anderson
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers / 2006 / Paperback
Featuring a new introduction and cover, Anderson's bestselling book The Bondage Breaker leads you away from the shadows and shackles in your life and toward the freedom that comes when you:
• realize you have the right to be free
• confront the power of Satan
• fight the temptation to do it your way
• trade deception for grace
• affirm your identity in Christ
Anderson ultimately helps you break negative thought patterns, control irrational feelings, and break out of the bondage of sinful behavior. If you're struggling, discover how to embrace the promise of Jesus to win the spiritual battles confronting you.
20. Heaven Is So Real! Expanded EditionBy: Choo Thomas
Publisher: Charisma House / Paperback

11. Books by A.W. Tozer: Any of the books written by A.W. Tozer, the '20th century prophet' (as Tozer was called) is worth reading. His extraordinary command of English language, the clarity of his thoughts and the profound spiritual depth in his writings were remarkable in all his books. Any Christian serious about spiritual growth and maturity should read Tozer's books. Some of the titles among his books are:
-The Knowledge of the Holy
-The Pursuit of God
-Born After Midnight
-The Root of the Righteous
-I Talk Back To The Devil
- When He Is Come
-Tragedy In The Church: The Missing Gifts
-Whatever Happened To Worship?
-The Attributes of God
-That Incredible Christian
-Man: The Dwelling Place Of God
-Paths to Power
-How To Be Filled With The Holy Spirit
12. The Normal Christian Life: Written by Watchman Nee.
This great Christian classic unfolds the theme of Christ our Life. Watchman Nee takes the reader through principles taught in the book of Romans. The focus of the book is Jesus Christ and the believer's life in Him. Nee reveals the secret of spiritual strength and vitality that should be the normal experience of every Christian. His fresh spiritual insights on the cross and resurrection of Christ have proven a blessing to many. This book is a must read for every Christian who is serious about living a victorious and God-honouring life. Other books by the same author, such as Sit, Walk, Stand; Love Not The World; Changed Into His Likeness; The Spiritual Man; etc are all Christian classics worth reading for all Christians. Most of these books are published recently by Christian Literature Crusade, a world-wide body of inter-denominational publishers. Their address in Autralia is:
CLC Australia: PO Box 2299, Strathpine, QLD, 450013.
Phone: 07 3881 0511
Fax: 07 3881 0811
13. Philip Yancey's books: Philip Yancey is one of my favourite authors. He has the talent not only of writing books with attention-grabbing titles, but also bringing out Scripturally-based, fresh insights into many complicated issues in life such as pain and suffering.
Some of his well-known, award-winning titles are Disappoinment With God; Finding God In Unexpected Places; Where Is God When it Hurts? ; What's So Amazing About Grace? Many of Philip Yancey's books are published by Zondervan.
14. Storm Warning By: Billy Graham
Published by Thomas Nelson /2010Phone: 07 3881 0511
Fax: 07 3881 0811
13. Philip Yancey's books: Philip Yancey is one of my favourite authors. He has the talent not only of writing books with attention-grabbing titles, but also bringing out Scripturally-based, fresh insights into many complicated issues in life such as pain and suffering.
Some of his well-known, award-winning titles are Disappoinment With God; Finding God In Unexpected Places; Where Is God When it Hurts? ; What's So Amazing About Grace? Many of Philip Yancey's books are published by Zondervan.
14. Storm Warning By: Billy Graham

Global recession, terrorist threats, devastating natural disasters...Do you ever look at the headlines and ask, "What's this world coming to?" In this newly revised and completely updated edition of Storm Warning, Billy Graham takes a deeper look at current events in light of prophecies from the book of Revelation. He provides an in-depth analysis of the four horsemen from Revelation chapter 6, and points to the hope and renewal found in Christ - for our families, our nation and our world.
15. No Wonder They Call Him the Savior
By: Max Lucado Publisher:Thomas Nelson / 2005
Max Lucado takes you through the drama of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ---bringing to life Peter's denial, Pilate's hesitancy, and John's loyalty. Relive the events leading up to Jesus crucifixion, from the foggy garden of Gethsemane to the incandescent room of the resurrection.
No Wonder They Call Him the Savior leads you up the hill of mankind's highest hope and reminds you why he deserves to be called our Savior.16. Death of A Guru :
By Rabindranath R. Maharaj
Published by: Harvest House Publishers

Rabindranath R Maharaj was descended from a long line of Brahmin priests and trained as a Yogi. He meditated for many hours each day, but gradually disillusionment set in. In DEATH OF A GURU he describes vividly and honestly Hindu life and customs, tracing his difficult search for meaning and his struggle to choose between Hinduism and Christ. At a time when Eastern mysticism and religion fascinate many in the West, Maharaj offers fresh and important insights from the perspective of his own experience
17. Imaginations: More Than You Think
Publisher: Strang Communications / 2004 /

In Imaginations: More Than You Think, author James Gills explores three principles that can miraculously transform your life. Discover how your thoughts determine your actions and learn how to surrender your thought life to God. Imaginations shows you how to apply God's Word to your life and seek Him with your mind and imagination.
18. The Hiding Place
By: Corrie ten Boom
Publisher: Random House, Inc / 1982

When the Nazis invaded Holland, Corrie ten Boom's quiet life turned into a nightmare. Because she made her home a "hiding place" for Jews, she and her family were sent to a concentration camp. Refusing to despair, Corrie discovered how Jesus can turn loss to glory! This unforgettable story will move you to tears and to joy.
19. The Bondage Breaker, New Edition
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers / 2006 / Paperback
Featuring a new introduction and cover, Anderson's bestselling book The Bondage Breaker leads you away from the shadows and shackles in your life and toward the freedom that comes when you:
• realize you have the right to be free
• confront the power of Satan
• fight the temptation to do it your way
• trade deception for grace
• affirm your identity in Christ
Anderson ultimately helps you break negative thought patterns, control irrational feelings, and break out of the bondage of sinful behavior. If you're struggling, discover how to embrace the promise of Jesus to win the spiritual battles confronting you.
20. Heaven Is So Real! Expanded Edition
Publisher: Charisma House / Paperback

Thomas retells a stunning, personal story of how she saw the living Christ, visited Hell, and walked in Heaven. Not once but ten times that month, the Lord Jesus appeared by her bedside and spoke to her. Share Choo's humble narrative, as each heavenly visit prepares her for the next; sense the growing wonder of Jesus presence; feel the weight of His tender words; journey through heaven, led by the Savior, learning His holy thoughts; hear the heart-tearing, supernatural words spoken from the throne; drink in the Spirit of God; and wonder at the beauty of this revelation of heaven. Read this book, and you will never be the same!
04 July, 2010
Have You Read These Books?- Part I
A good book influences its reader in a positive way, and a bad one has the exact opposite effect.
In this post, I just want to share with you a list of my favourite Christian books that I found them to be of great help in my spiritual growth and development over the years. Not being a great reader myself, my list is small. However, I am confident that you too will find these books interesting and illuminating spiritually, and I strongly recommend them for your reading pleasure, if you have not already read them before.
1. The Bible:

The Bible, of course, must top the list. We cannot grow spiritually without a healthy dose of daily Bible reading. I have been following what Tim Lahaye wrote in his book, "How to study the Bible for Yourself" where he recommended making a sacred vow to God: "No Bible, No Breakfast!" You don't have breakfast unless you read the Bible first before breakfast in the morning. For some reason if you have no time to read the Bible, just skip the breakfast! This vow is not to be used as a legalistic bondage but a sacred vow to God which you have made voluntarily and willingly! If you are serious about Bible reading and study, making this sacred vow will help you read the Bible more consistently. Make no exceptions - read daily!
2.The Immitation of Christ:
Author: Thomas a Kempis.
For five hundred years, this gentle book, filled with the spirit of the love of God, has brought understanding and comfort to millions of readers in over fifty languages, and provided them with a source of heart-felt personal prayer. These meditations on the life and teachings of Jesus, written in times even more troubled and dangerous than our own, have become second only to the Bible as a guide and inspiration. A must read for all who are interested in deeper walk with God.
3. The Practice of the Presence of God:
By Brother Lawrence. I don't know if this book is still in print, but I am sure you can access it online. This book will help you discover how to practice God's presence at all times and see His glory in every facet of life.
4.Celebration of Discipline:
A fantastic Christian Classic written by Richard Foster; Published by Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH. This book tells you about classic Christian disciplines such as Meditation, Prayer, Fasting, Simplicity, Solitude, Submission, Service and so on. If you are interested in deeper Christian life and further maturity, this book is a must reading.
5. Purpose Driven Life:
Written by Rick Warren, the founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California;published by Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530, USA. In this book, Pastor Rick Warren will take you through a personal 40-day spiritual journey that will transform your life, answering life's most important questions, such as, What on earth am I here for? What is God's purpose for creating me? What are the most important things in life? Where am I going? etc. If you have not read this book, you should!
6. In His Steps:
Author: Charles Sheldon. Publisher: RiverOak Publishing, P.O. Box 700143, Tulsa, Oklahama 74170-0143. This book is the first entry in '100 Christian Books That Changed the Century' by William J. and Randy Peterson. Asking in genuine faith, 'What would Jesus do?' before doing anything will transform the way you look at things, and it will help you follow Jesus daily walking in His steps! This book is written in the form of a novel, and is easy to read. A must read for every Christian!
7. How to Study the Bible for Yourself:
Written by Tim Lahaye, published by Authentic Books, P1820 Jet Stream Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80921, USA. This book is also published in India by OM Books, Logos Bhavan, Metchal Road, Jeedimetla Village, Secunderabad 500 055, AP. This book will tell you how to study the Bible and where to start! It is a very practical and informative study tool.
8. He Came To Set The Captives Free:
Author: Rebecca Brown MD. Published by Whitaker House, 1030 Hunt Valley Circle, New Kensington, PA 15068. This book is a must for Spiritual warriors, and it will tell you detailed account of Satan's activities today. Frighteningly graphic and real!
9. Entering The Presence of God:
Author: Derek Prince; Publisher (India): Derek Prince Ministries, Rhema Media Centre, 18/32 Mangammal Salai, Renga Nagar, Trichy 620 021, TN.
Legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince shows the way to victorious intimacy with God, and explains how you can move beyond the usual praise and thanksgiving and enter the very presence of God and truly worship Him!
10. Ablaze for God:
Written by Wesley L. Duewel, a former president of OMS International, and a missionary to India for 25 years. Published by Zondervan (as for #5 above). This book describes the spiritual dynamics of leadership, how one can be more fully a Spirit-filled leader, and how to be more aflame for God. It's an amazing and practical book for all Christian leaders and laymen alike.
In this post, I just want to share with you a list of my favourite Christian books that I found them to be of great help in my spiritual growth and development over the years. Not being a great reader myself, my list is small. However, I am confident that you too will find these books interesting and illuminating spiritually, and I strongly recommend them for your reading pleasure, if you have not already read them before.
1. The Bible:

The Bible, of course, must top the list. We cannot grow spiritually without a healthy dose of daily Bible reading. I have been following what Tim Lahaye wrote in his book, "How to study the Bible for Yourself" where he recommended making a sacred vow to God: "No Bible, No Breakfast!" You don't have breakfast unless you read the Bible first before breakfast in the morning. For some reason if you have no time to read the Bible, just skip the breakfast! This vow is not to be used as a legalistic bondage but a sacred vow to God which you have made voluntarily and willingly! If you are serious about Bible reading and study, making this sacred vow will help you read the Bible more consistently. Make no exceptions - read daily!
2.The Immitation of Christ:
Author: Thomas a Kempis.
For five hundred years, this gentle book, filled with the spirit of the love of God, has brought understanding and comfort to millions of readers in over fifty languages, and provided them with a source of heart-felt personal prayer. These meditations on the life and teachings of Jesus, written in times even more troubled and dangerous than our own, have become second only to the Bible as a guide and inspiration. A must read for all who are interested in deeper walk with God.
3. The Practice of the Presence of God:
By Brother Lawrence. I don't know if this book is still in print, but I am sure you can access it online. This book will help you discover how to practice God's presence at all times and see His glory in every facet of life.
4.Celebration of Discipline:
A fantastic Christian Classic written by Richard Foster; Published by Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., 338 Euston Road, London NW1 3BH. This book tells you about classic Christian disciplines such as Meditation, Prayer, Fasting, Simplicity, Solitude, Submission, Service and so on. If you are interested in deeper Christian life and further maturity, this book is a must reading.
5. Purpose Driven Life:
Written by Rick Warren, the founding pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California;published by Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49530, USA. In this book, Pastor Rick Warren will take you through a personal 40-day spiritual journey that will transform your life, answering life's most important questions, such as, What on earth am I here for? What is God's purpose for creating me? What are the most important things in life? Where am I going? etc. If you have not read this book, you should!
6. In His Steps:
Author: Charles Sheldon. Publisher: RiverOak Publishing, P.O. Box 700143, Tulsa, Oklahama 74170-0143. This book is the first entry in '100 Christian Books That Changed the Century' by William J. and Randy Peterson. Asking in genuine faith, 'What would Jesus do?' before doing anything will transform the way you look at things, and it will help you follow Jesus daily walking in His steps! This book is written in the form of a novel, and is easy to read. A must read for every Christian!
7. How to Study the Bible for Yourself:
Written by Tim Lahaye, published by Authentic Books, P1820 Jet Stream Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80921, USA. This book is also published in India by OM Books, Logos Bhavan, Metchal Road, Jeedimetla Village, Secunderabad 500 055, AP. This book will tell you how to study the Bible and where to start! It is a very practical and informative study tool.
8. He Came To Set The Captives Free:
Author: Rebecca Brown MD. Published by Whitaker House, 1030 Hunt Valley Circle, New Kensington, PA 15068. This book is a must for Spiritual warriors, and it will tell you detailed account of Satan's activities today. Frighteningly graphic and real!
9. Entering The Presence of God:
Author: Derek Prince; Publisher (India): Derek Prince Ministries, Rhema Media Centre, 18/32 Mangammal Salai, Renga Nagar, Trichy 620 021, TN.
Legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince shows the way to victorious intimacy with God, and explains how you can move beyond the usual praise and thanksgiving and enter the very presence of God and truly worship Him!
10. Ablaze for God:
Written by Wesley L. Duewel, a former president of OMS International, and a missionary to India for 25 years. Published by Zondervan (as for #5 above). This book describes the spiritual dynamics of leadership, how one can be more fully a Spirit-filled leader, and how to be more aflame for God. It's an amazing and practical book for all Christian leaders and laymen alike.
04 June, 2010
Deeper Walk With God: Are You Willing To Pay The Price?
Have you been longing for a deeper walk with God, being filled with the Holy Spirit and live a life of holiness and power?. After having been a Christian for almost 30 years now, I have come to realize that to have a deeper, Spirit-filled life, you have to be willing to pay the price for it! I have seen and also been through myself various stages of Christian life, which I would like to share with you first:
"Fence-sitting" Christians:
These Christians are 'neither cold nor hot' type. They are not willing to go all out for Christ, but at the same time they are afraid to go all out to the world too! They are 'sitting on a fence', with one foot in the kingdom of God, and the other foot in the world. This kind of Christians are very miserable, unhappy, critical, complaining and carnal. Once in a while they may experience spiritual 'highs', only to find themselves failing miserably the next moment!
"Thorn-bush Christians":
Jesus tells us about these Christians in Mark 4:18-19. These are Christians with wrong priorities. They know God, but gave more importance to worldly desires and pleasures, and are more interested in material things than in spiritual things. They want to be "practical", meaning that to them spiritual things are abstract and unreal. These Christians may talk a lot, but their lives are unfruitful and barren!
"Seasonal Christians"
These are depth-less, shallow Christians as described by Jesus in Mark 4:16-17. If the time is right, they will appear as most spiritual, talkative and full of life. But as they have no root, they will vanish as soon as difficulties and challenges come their way. They will normally appear during Easter, Christmas and perhaps during revival meetings!
The Fruitful Christians
These are true, Spirit-filled and productive Christians as told by Jesus in Mark 4:20. They know God and God knows them! They walk with God, and God walks with them! They are joined to the True Vine (John 15:5), not only filled but also led by the Holy Spirit, and they are children of God! (Rom 8:14). They are conquerors (Rom 8:37)and overcomers (1 John 5:5). They don't advertise themselves, but others are attracted to them. They live a life of power, love, freedom, humility and integrity. These are Christians with 'abundant life'!
Are you willing to pay the price?
Jesus said: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled". (Matt 5:6) Are you hungry and thirsty for a righteous life? Are you thirsty for God as the Psalmist? (Ps 42:1-2; 63:1)
Do you want Him, REALLY REALLY want Him above all else? Jesus said again in John 7:37, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink".
There are countless numbers of attractions and distractions in this world which fight for our attention. Are you willing to shut your eyes and ears to all those and single-mindedly 'seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness"? Satan's lie is that if you go all out for God, you will loose everything in the world. That's a complete lie! God says if you seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, He will add to you 'all these things', all that you will ever need in this world! (Matt 6:33) Our God is a generous God!
Are you tired of a half-hearted, luke-warm, barren and powerless Christian life? If you are, why not go all out for God, give all to Jesus? Seek Him until you find Him! Knock until it's opened! Ask until you are given! God wants to test your heart, your loyalty! He wants to see if you are really serious about Him! He said: "Call to me, and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know". (Jer 33:3)Do not give up! Persevere!
If you are really determined and thirsty for God, you will find Him. This is what He said: "You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart".(Jer 29:13)
"Fence-sitting" Christians:
These Christians are 'neither cold nor hot' type. They are not willing to go all out for Christ, but at the same time they are afraid to go all out to the world too! They are 'sitting on a fence', with one foot in the kingdom of God, and the other foot in the world. This kind of Christians are very miserable, unhappy, critical, complaining and carnal. Once in a while they may experience spiritual 'highs', only to find themselves failing miserably the next moment!
"Thorn-bush Christians":
Jesus tells us about these Christians in Mark 4:18-19. These are Christians with wrong priorities. They know God, but gave more importance to worldly desires and pleasures, and are more interested in material things than in spiritual things. They want to be "practical", meaning that to them spiritual things are abstract and unreal. These Christians may talk a lot, but their lives are unfruitful and barren!
"Seasonal Christians"
These are depth-less, shallow Christians as described by Jesus in Mark 4:16-17. If the time is right, they will appear as most spiritual, talkative and full of life. But as they have no root, they will vanish as soon as difficulties and challenges come their way. They will normally appear during Easter, Christmas and perhaps during revival meetings!
The Fruitful Christians
These are true, Spirit-filled and productive Christians as told by Jesus in Mark 4:20. They know God and God knows them! They walk with God, and God walks with them! They are joined to the True Vine (John 15:5), not only filled but also led by the Holy Spirit, and they are children of God! (Rom 8:14). They are conquerors (Rom 8:37)and overcomers (1 John 5:5). They don't advertise themselves, but others are attracted to them. They live a life of power, love, freedom, humility and integrity. These are Christians with 'abundant life'!
Are you willing to pay the price?
Jesus said: "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled". (Matt 5:6) Are you hungry and thirsty for a righteous life? Are you thirsty for God as the Psalmist? (Ps 42:1-2; 63:1)
Do you want Him, REALLY REALLY want Him above all else? Jesus said again in John 7:37, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink".
There are countless numbers of attractions and distractions in this world which fight for our attention. Are you willing to shut your eyes and ears to all those and single-mindedly 'seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness"? Satan's lie is that if you go all out for God, you will loose everything in the world. That's a complete lie! God says if you seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, He will add to you 'all these things', all that you will ever need in this world! (Matt 6:33) Our God is a generous God!
Are you tired of a half-hearted, luke-warm, barren and powerless Christian life? If you are, why not go all out for God, give all to Jesus? Seek Him until you find Him! Knock until it's opened! Ask until you are given! God wants to test your heart, your loyalty! He wants to see if you are really serious about Him! He said: "Call to me, and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know". (Jer 33:3)Do not give up! Persevere!
If you are really determined and thirsty for God, you will find Him. This is what He said: "You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart".(Jer 29:13)
09 May, 2010
"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone-for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour". (1 Tim. 2:1-3)
One area where most us Christians fail is in the area of praying for the nation. No matter which nationality we belong to, we are to pray for our nations. For those of us who are in democratic nations, we have the responsibility not only to pray for the nation, but also to elect good leaders for our nations through our votes during national elections. Most of the time we are quilty of criticizing our leaders without ever praying for them even once! Now let us look briefly at what the Bible teaches about praying for the nation:
1.Good government is God’s will: Since the Old Testament times, we could see that God was intimately involved in the affairs of men and nations. He pulled down wicked kings and nations, and raised others in their place. As King David said in 1 Chronicles 29:11, everything in heaven and earth, including kingdoms, belong to God. Even King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was punished for his pride until he acknowledged that ‘the Most High (God) is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone He wishes’! (Daniel 4:32). The kind of government God wants is where people “may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness”.(1 Tim. 2:2)
2.Prayer can change history: From the Bible, as well as from personal experiences of many Christians even today, it has been proved time and again that prayer could change the course of history of a nation. God is ready to restore and heal the nation if His people repent of their wicked ways and pray. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land”. (2 Chro. 7:14)
3.Christians are obligated to pray for the nation: We are told in 1 Timothy 2:1-4 that we should pray for kings and all those in authority (government), and to do so is good and pleasing to God. Many of us are guilty of NEVER praying for the government while very vocal in criticising it! If we have never prayed for the government, we have no right to criticise it!
4.Christians are ‘salt’ and ‘light’ for the world: (Matthew 5: 13 & 14) We, as Christians, are called to be salt and light for our communities and our nation. We are not just to sit down and complain, but to do good works for the nation and lead others by our positive examples.
5.Christians are called to be ‘watchmen’ for the nation: The Church is called to be the ‘watchman’ for the nation(Ezekiel 33:7). The church has to play a propetic role for the nation, teaching people of God’s will and warning them of the dreadful consequences of disobeying Him.
6.Christians are ‘priests’ for the nation: The Christian Church, being a ‘royal priesthood’ (1 Pet. 2:9) has a priestly role to play for the nation by declaring the wonderful things about God, and interceding for the nation.
7.Rulers are established by God: Romans 13: 1-7 tells us that the government authorities are established by God. As we have seen in the Old Testament, God sometimes raised wicked rulers to punish His people Israel when they disobey Him. In our present context, we know that God will give us good rulers if we ask Him. In a democratic society, God establishes rulers through the process of election, and if we happen to have bad rulers we have only ourselves to blame because we are the ones who elect them! Let us remember this saying: We get the kind of government we deserve!
One area where most us Christians fail is in the area of praying for the nation. No matter which nationality we belong to, we are to pray for our nations. For those of us who are in democratic nations, we have the responsibility not only to pray for the nation, but also to elect good leaders for our nations through our votes during national elections. Most of the time we are quilty of criticizing our leaders without ever praying for them even once! Now let us look briefly at what the Bible teaches about praying for the nation:
1.Good government is God’s will: Since the Old Testament times, we could see that God was intimately involved in the affairs of men and nations. He pulled down wicked kings and nations, and raised others in their place. As King David said in 1 Chronicles 29:11, everything in heaven and earth, including kingdoms, belong to God. Even King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon was punished for his pride until he acknowledged that ‘the Most High (God) is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone He wishes’! (Daniel 4:32). The kind of government God wants is where people “may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness”.(1 Tim. 2:2)
2.Prayer can change history: From the Bible, as well as from personal experiences of many Christians even today, it has been proved time and again that prayer could change the course of history of a nation. God is ready to restore and heal the nation if His people repent of their wicked ways and pray. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land”. (2 Chro. 7:14)
3.Christians are obligated to pray for the nation: We are told in 1 Timothy 2:1-4 that we should pray for kings and all those in authority (government), and to do so is good and pleasing to God. Many of us are guilty of NEVER praying for the government while very vocal in criticising it! If we have never prayed for the government, we have no right to criticise it!
4.Christians are ‘salt’ and ‘light’ for the world: (Matthew 5: 13 & 14) We, as Christians, are called to be salt and light for our communities and our nation. We are not just to sit down and complain, but to do good works for the nation and lead others by our positive examples.
5.Christians are called to be ‘watchmen’ for the nation: The Church is called to be the ‘watchman’ for the nation(Ezekiel 33:7). The church has to play a propetic role for the nation, teaching people of God’s will and warning them of the dreadful consequences of disobeying Him.
6.Christians are ‘priests’ for the nation: The Christian Church, being a ‘royal priesthood’ (1 Pet. 2:9) has a priestly role to play for the nation by declaring the wonderful things about God, and interceding for the nation.
7.Rulers are established by God: Romans 13: 1-7 tells us that the government authorities are established by God. As we have seen in the Old Testament, God sometimes raised wicked rulers to punish His people Israel when they disobey Him. In our present context, we know that God will give us good rulers if we ask Him. In a democratic society, God establishes rulers through the process of election, and if we happen to have bad rulers we have only ourselves to blame because we are the ones who elect them! Let us remember this saying: We get the kind of government we deserve!
21 April, 2010
What is joy?
Oxford English Dictionary defines joy as ‘great pleasure and happiness’. Joy is also defined as ‘feelings of great happiness and pleasure,especially an elevated or spiritual kind’. Despite the fact that the Bible talks so much about joy, this element seems to be surprisingly lacking in the lives of many ‘Bible-believing’ Christians. Why are there very few Christians who are truly joyful? Is it that the teachings of the Bible are much too impractical, or is there something missing somewhere in our Christian lives today?
The joyful people:
It is always a joy and a pleasure to be around joyful people. I don’t mean people with some sort of artificially or fleshly-induced blabbery kind of ‘joyfulness’ with fake and superficial smiles, who, by the time you respond to their ‘hello’, are already talking to the next person! The joyful people I refer to are those with the quiet and dignified kind of joy that obviously has welled up from deep within their soul. The moment you see these people, you notice that their whole countenance lights up when they talk to you, and they smile not only with their lips but with their eyes! Oh, I love these joyful people! Everybody loves to be with them bacause they are real! They do not pretend to be something or someone they are not. They are confident but are gentle. They are patient and kind! They say what they mean, and mean what they say! When you are with them you know where you stand; they make you comfortable. The world needs and is looking for such joyful Christians.
Where does joy come from?
The kind of joy the Bible talks about is not a temporary and short-lived kind of joy that people experience from acquiring material wealth or worldly pleasures. True joy is like a spring of water that wells up from deep down in one’s soul and spirit, and it does not depend nor is affected by outward circumstances. No matter what comes in life, this deep seated joy remains unchanged. In fact, true joy grows day by day in direct proportion to the growth in intimacy of our relationship with God. Therefore:
• Joy originates from God: True and lasting joy comes from God alone. The joy that the world offers is short-lived and often comes with a price. Many times worldly joy later leads to pain, bondage and regret. On the contrary, true joy that comes from God is liberating, pure and peaceful! The Psalmist says in Psalm 16 verse 11:
“In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore”.
If you have not yet find true joy in your life, perhaps you have been looking for it in the wrong places.
• Joy is the fruit of the Holy Spirit: Joy is not a self-generated quality in a person’s life; it is the fruit of the Holy Spirit! As one lives in complete obedience to the guidance of the Spirit of God, the nine wonderful qualities of the fruit of the Spirit, including JOY, as mentioned in Galatians 5:22&23 are imparted to the person’s life by the Holy Spirit Himself.
•Joy comes from obeying God: Obedience to God leads to a clean conscience and pure joy. Jesus said: “If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love.... I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete”.(John 15:10&11). If you have no joy as a Christian, or you once had joy but have lost it, perhaps you should examine yourself whether or not you have disobeyed God somewhere sometime in your life. There is no greater joy-spoiler than disobedience to God!
• Joy comes from praising God! The Bible tells us to always rejoice ‘in the Lord’ (Phil. 4:4) No matter your circumstances, meditate on the awesome goodness and love of God and start praising Him. You will discover that the moment you open your mouth in praising God, your spirit is lifted up and all the gloom vanishes! A praising Christian is a joyful Christian!
‘Rejoice in the Lord always, Again I say, rejoice! (Phil 4:4)
As our rejoicing is in the Lord, outward circumstances do not affect our joy. The more we rejoice in Him, the deeper becomes our joy! Prophet Habakkuk summed up very well when he said:
“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the sheep pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Saviour”. (Habakkuk 3:17&18)
Oxford English Dictionary defines joy as ‘great pleasure and happiness’. Joy is also defined as ‘feelings of great happiness and pleasure,especially an elevated or spiritual kind’. Despite the fact that the Bible talks so much about joy, this element seems to be surprisingly lacking in the lives of many ‘Bible-believing’ Christians. Why are there very few Christians who are truly joyful? Is it that the teachings of the Bible are much too impractical, or is there something missing somewhere in our Christian lives today?
The joyful people:
It is always a joy and a pleasure to be around joyful people. I don’t mean people with some sort of artificially or fleshly-induced blabbery kind of ‘joyfulness’ with fake and superficial smiles, who, by the time you respond to their ‘hello’, are already talking to the next person! The joyful people I refer to are those with the quiet and dignified kind of joy that obviously has welled up from deep within their soul. The moment you see these people, you notice that their whole countenance lights up when they talk to you, and they smile not only with their lips but with their eyes! Oh, I love these joyful people! Everybody loves to be with them bacause they are real! They do not pretend to be something or someone they are not. They are confident but are gentle. They are patient and kind! They say what they mean, and mean what they say! When you are with them you know where you stand; they make you comfortable. The world needs and is looking for such joyful Christians.
Where does joy come from?
The kind of joy the Bible talks about is not a temporary and short-lived kind of joy that people experience from acquiring material wealth or worldly pleasures. True joy is like a spring of water that wells up from deep down in one’s soul and spirit, and it does not depend nor is affected by outward circumstances. No matter what comes in life, this deep seated joy remains unchanged. In fact, true joy grows day by day in direct proportion to the growth in intimacy of our relationship with God. Therefore:
• Joy originates from God: True and lasting joy comes from God alone. The joy that the world offers is short-lived and often comes with a price. Many times worldly joy later leads to pain, bondage and regret. On the contrary, true joy that comes from God is liberating, pure and peaceful! The Psalmist says in Psalm 16 verse 11:
“In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore”.
If you have not yet find true joy in your life, perhaps you have been looking for it in the wrong places.
• Joy is the fruit of the Holy Spirit: Joy is not a self-generated quality in a person’s life; it is the fruit of the Holy Spirit! As one lives in complete obedience to the guidance of the Spirit of God, the nine wonderful qualities of the fruit of the Spirit, including JOY, as mentioned in Galatians 5:22&23 are imparted to the person’s life by the Holy Spirit Himself.
•Joy comes from obeying God: Obedience to God leads to a clean conscience and pure joy. Jesus said: “If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love.... I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete”.(John 15:10&11). If you have no joy as a Christian, or you once had joy but have lost it, perhaps you should examine yourself whether or not you have disobeyed God somewhere sometime in your life. There is no greater joy-spoiler than disobedience to God!
• Joy comes from praising God! The Bible tells us to always rejoice ‘in the Lord’ (Phil. 4:4) No matter your circumstances, meditate on the awesome goodness and love of God and start praising Him. You will discover that the moment you open your mouth in praising God, your spirit is lifted up and all the gloom vanishes! A praising Christian is a joyful Christian!
‘Rejoice in the Lord always, Again I say, rejoice! (Phil 4:4)
As our rejoicing is in the Lord, outward circumstances do not affect our joy. The more we rejoice in Him, the deeper becomes our joy! Prophet Habakkuk summed up very well when he said:
“Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the sheep pen and no cattle in the stalls, yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Saviour”. (Habakkuk 3:17&18)
03 April, 2010
Crucify Him!
"What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews?" Pilate asked them.
"Crucify him!" they shouted. (Mark 15:12&13)
Jerusalem on that day,
Those who gathered, all of them;
With one mighty voice cried they,
"Crucify Him!".
None of those God-fearing crowd,
Even those been healed by Him;
Raised a voice to plead His cause,
Nor stand by Him.
Not a week has even passed,
Since He was hailed a Prophet;
Now "Hosanna" 's been replaced,
"Crucify Him!"
Everywhere men even now,
Continue to shout of Him;
By their attitudes somehow,
"Crucify Him!"
Sometimes even I joined in,
The laughter of those mockers;
Hurling insults just for fun,
"Crucify Him!"
Tried to raise my voice at times,
His dear Name for me to own;
Fear of men,so large then looms,
Crushing me down.
Then He who prayed for His foes,
The very ones who pierced Him;
Prayed for me too, now it goes,
"Father, forgive him...".
"Crucify him!" they shouted. (Mark 15:12&13)
Jerusalem on that day,
Those who gathered, all of them;
With one mighty voice cried they,
"Crucify Him!".
None of those God-fearing crowd,
Even those been healed by Him;
Raised a voice to plead His cause,
Nor stand by Him.
Not a week has even passed,
Since He was hailed a Prophet;
Now "Hosanna" 's been replaced,
"Crucify Him!"
Everywhere men even now,
Continue to shout of Him;
By their attitudes somehow,
"Crucify Him!"
Sometimes even I joined in,
The laughter of those mockers;
Hurling insults just for fun,
"Crucify Him!"
Tried to raise my voice at times,
His dear Name for me to own;
Fear of men,so large then looms,
Crushing me down.
Then He who prayed for His foes,
The very ones who pierced Him;
Prayed for me too, now it goes,
"Father, forgive him...".
17 March, 2010
I Cried Today !
Today I read a sermon article titled, "Breaking the Silence" from a magazine called, "Crossing the Road", a resource magazine published in 2009 by Methodist Church in New Zealand.
The article talks about one pastor named Mary Crockett in South Africa who works in Qwa Qwa where she is known as the HIV and AIDS pastor. She moves around 11 churches preaching her message every Sunday, talking openly about a subject that is still largely taboo. She talks about promiscuity among the young and hypocrisy among the married; about people who gossip, judge and reject those who are sick, rather than helping them. Most of all there is silence, and silence breeds fear, says Pastor Mary. "What can we do to stop this disease that kills in silence?" she asks. Mary shouts. Mary gets angry. Mary weeps! Mary is HIV positive, infected by her husband who set out to kill himself, his HIV positive daughter and Mary in a motor 'accident'.
When I read Mary's story, I thought of many millions of people in the world who are living and dying with HIV and AIDS right now, many of them being stigmatized and rejected by their very own people!. Those millions of AIDS orphans with no parents to love them, to feed them when they are hungry, to embrace them when they are cold, to wipe their tears away when they cry! To be sick with the world's deadliest disease is cruel enough, but to add on to their suffering these same people are marginalised, condemned, discriminated and rejected by their own people! Many HIV infected people are from the poorest of the poor, having no means of accessing ART or any other treatment, just suffering their pain in silence, guilt and hopeless resignation.
The horror and enormity of human suffering from HIV and AIDS was made so devastatingly clear for a moment, and it overwhelmed me, and I could almost see those emaciated children with their sunken eyes desperately looking out for any sign of hope...I felt so helpless and inadequate,I just sat down and cried,
I could not utter any more words....there was nothing else to say! My heart was crying out and long so much for a Man called "JESUS OF NAZARETH"!
"Lord, the world You love is sick!"
I know it would have broken His heart too!
"Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died!"
"Lord, if you had been here, my parents would not have died!"
"Lord, if you had been here, I would not have been rejected and shamed!
Did I hear the Master saying,
"Where is My church?"
"Where are my servants? What have they been doing to these 'least of my brothers'"?
Then I thought of all other 'rejects' of the society: prostitutes, drug addicts, drunkards, homosexuals....I imagined them coming together before JESUS, 'Friend of sinners and tax-collectors', and I 'saw' how He embraced them with so much overflowing love that all their sins were covered to be seen no more!
"Lord, why did You do that?"
"Because I love them as much as I loved you!"
"But LORD, these people are not ordinary sinners, they are REAL sinners!"
"My son, My love is UNCONDITIONAL!
Then the Lord smiled and stretch out His hands to me. With tears running down my cheeks, I ran to HIM and joined the group within His embrace.
The article talks about one pastor named Mary Crockett in South Africa who works in Qwa Qwa where she is known as the HIV and AIDS pastor. She moves around 11 churches preaching her message every Sunday, talking openly about a subject that is still largely taboo. She talks about promiscuity among the young and hypocrisy among the married; about people who gossip, judge and reject those who are sick, rather than helping them. Most of all there is silence, and silence breeds fear, says Pastor Mary. "What can we do to stop this disease that kills in silence?" she asks. Mary shouts. Mary gets angry. Mary weeps! Mary is HIV positive, infected by her husband who set out to kill himself, his HIV positive daughter and Mary in a motor 'accident'.
When I read Mary's story, I thought of many millions of people in the world who are living and dying with HIV and AIDS right now, many of them being stigmatized and rejected by their very own people!. Those millions of AIDS orphans with no parents to love them, to feed them when they are hungry, to embrace them when they are cold, to wipe their tears away when they cry! To be sick with the world's deadliest disease is cruel enough, but to add on to their suffering these same people are marginalised, condemned, discriminated and rejected by their own people! Many HIV infected people are from the poorest of the poor, having no means of accessing ART or any other treatment, just suffering their pain in silence, guilt and hopeless resignation.
The horror and enormity of human suffering from HIV and AIDS was made so devastatingly clear for a moment, and it overwhelmed me, and I could almost see those emaciated children with their sunken eyes desperately looking out for any sign of hope...I felt so helpless and inadequate,I just sat down and cried,
I could not utter any more words....there was nothing else to say! My heart was crying out and long so much for a Man called "JESUS OF NAZARETH"!
"Lord, the world You love is sick!"
I know it would have broken His heart too!
"Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died!"
"Lord, if you had been here, my parents would not have died!"
"Lord, if you had been here, I would not have been rejected and shamed!
Did I hear the Master saying,
"Where is My church?"
"Where are my servants? What have they been doing to these 'least of my brothers'"?
Then I thought of all other 'rejects' of the society: prostitutes, drug addicts, drunkards, homosexuals....I imagined them coming together before JESUS, 'Friend of sinners and tax-collectors', and I 'saw' how He embraced them with so much overflowing love that all their sins were covered to be seen no more!
"Lord, why did You do that?"
"Because I love them as much as I loved you!"
"But LORD, these people are not ordinary sinners, they are REAL sinners!"
"My son, My love is UNCONDITIONAL!
Then the Lord smiled and stretch out His hands to me. With tears running down my cheeks, I ran to HIM and joined the group within His embrace.
08 March, 2010
The Presence of the Almighty God!
I find no greater joy than being in the presence of the Almighty God!
Being ushered in to the Holy of Holies by the precious blood of the Lamb of God, and being made to be part of the Royal Priesthood of the Holy God, what an awesome privilege and honour it is to be in that hallowed place, where the soul bowed down in joyful worship, and the spirit soars in freedom and blissful union with the Spirit of the LORD himself!
In that holy presence of the Almighty, there is purity, holiness, joy, liberty, love, acceptance, wholeness, security, peace, forgiveness, abundance, healing, freshness, warmth and tenderness! There is that joyful lightness of the heart, an unspeakable quality of fellowship where the soul sings and the mouth keeps silent; an anticipation and an assurance of even better things yet to come, a foretaste of heaven with endless wonders, a palpable taste of Love so sweet and full that the heart melts and the soul opens to its deepest depth to let the sanctifying light of the Holy Spirit in.
It is a place of light where nothing is hidden, a place of unmasking the heart, soul and spirit! It is a place where all pretensions end! It is a place of letting go of the guard and rest absolutely still and vulnerable in the loving arms of the LORD!
Oh, how I love this place! May I never ever leave it. It is the safest place in all the earth! A place of fellowship with my Lord, the presence of the Almighty God!
Being ushered in to the Holy of Holies by the precious blood of the Lamb of God, and being made to be part of the Royal Priesthood of the Holy God, what an awesome privilege and honour it is to be in that hallowed place, where the soul bowed down in joyful worship, and the spirit soars in freedom and blissful union with the Spirit of the LORD himself!
In that holy presence of the Almighty, there is purity, holiness, joy, liberty, love, acceptance, wholeness, security, peace, forgiveness, abundance, healing, freshness, warmth and tenderness! There is that joyful lightness of the heart, an unspeakable quality of fellowship where the soul sings and the mouth keeps silent; an anticipation and an assurance of even better things yet to come, a foretaste of heaven with endless wonders, a palpable taste of Love so sweet and full that the heart melts and the soul opens to its deepest depth to let the sanctifying light of the Holy Spirit in.
It is a place of light where nothing is hidden, a place of unmasking the heart, soul and spirit! It is a place where all pretensions end! It is a place of letting go of the guard and rest absolutely still and vulnerable in the loving arms of the LORD!
Oh, how I love this place! May I never ever leave it. It is the safest place in all the earth! A place of fellowship with my Lord, the presence of the Almighty God!
22 February, 2010
Unloved & Unwanted!
'I am unloved & unwanted!':
Perhaps the most painful and devastating experience in life is the feeling of being rejected, unloved and unwanted. I believe there are thousands of people out there in this world who feel that nobody cares for you, and you in turn care for nobody. You may be lonely, depressed, insecure and suspicious. You have lost your purpose and direction in life. Some may be so far out in your emotional wilderness that you don't seem to feel anything except plain numbness and emptiness in your soul. So many tragic stories laid buried and untold behind those empty eyes, and the eyes themselves having run out of tears a long time ago. You think there is no future for you, but only the painful past which you desperately wanted to forget, but it seem to cling on to you like a dirty stain. You may feel trapped, hopeless and guilty.
'The world is unfair!':
You believe that the world is unfair to you; you may be right! The world is quite unfair sometimes! It's a place where our best friends may betray our trust, where promises and hearts are broken, and where love and loyalty may be cheaply sold as merchandise! It's a place where the rich become richer and the poor poorer! It's a place of 'survival of the fittest'! It's no wonder you don't see the way out of your situation.
Let me tell you a love story:
A long time ago, there was this God of Love who created the heavens and the earth, including every humanbeing. The purpose of creating humanbeings was that He may have a love relationship with them. He created a special place in the human heart which only He could fill. But the first humanbeings disobeyed Him, rebelled against Him, and shut Him out from that special place in their hearts! From that day, humanbeings have been feeling empty, and lost their joy, having no purpose and direction in life. But God loves His creation, especially humanbeings so much so that He Himself send His Son, named JESUS to re-establish that love relationship, and now people could again find true meaning and satisfaction in life by opening that special place in their hearts again to God. The good news is that this God loves YOU too, and this love is UNCONDITIONAL! You don't need to try to be better to be accepted! You are loved as you are!
'Wait a minute!
Before you turn away and dismiss this whole article as a 'nonsense crap', please listen! I was like you once, but now I am completely different because I have found the Answer! If you really really want to have a new beginning, a new direction and meaning in life, JESUS is your only hope! Try Him! What I said is ABSOLUTELY TRUE! Jesus said,"I have come that they (you) may have life, life in all its fullness".(John 10:10) Invite Jesus to come and occupy that 'special place' in your heart! He will do it! You will be completely changed! It's amazing! It's unbelievable! This is a life of love, joy, peace and contentment!
May the LORD God bless you as you read this article!
Perhaps the most painful and devastating experience in life is the feeling of being rejected, unloved and unwanted. I believe there are thousands of people out there in this world who feel that nobody cares for you, and you in turn care for nobody. You may be lonely, depressed, insecure and suspicious. You have lost your purpose and direction in life. Some may be so far out in your emotional wilderness that you don't seem to feel anything except plain numbness and emptiness in your soul. So many tragic stories laid buried and untold behind those empty eyes, and the eyes themselves having run out of tears a long time ago. You think there is no future for you, but only the painful past which you desperately wanted to forget, but it seem to cling on to you like a dirty stain. You may feel trapped, hopeless and guilty.
'The world is unfair!':
You believe that the world is unfair to you; you may be right! The world is quite unfair sometimes! It's a place where our best friends may betray our trust, where promises and hearts are broken, and where love and loyalty may be cheaply sold as merchandise! It's a place where the rich become richer and the poor poorer! It's a place of 'survival of the fittest'! It's no wonder you don't see the way out of your situation.
Let me tell you a love story:
A long time ago, there was this God of Love who created the heavens and the earth, including every humanbeing. The purpose of creating humanbeings was that He may have a love relationship with them. He created a special place in the human heart which only He could fill. But the first humanbeings disobeyed Him, rebelled against Him, and shut Him out from that special place in their hearts! From that day, humanbeings have been feeling empty, and lost their joy, having no purpose and direction in life. But God loves His creation, especially humanbeings so much so that He Himself send His Son, named JESUS to re-establish that love relationship, and now people could again find true meaning and satisfaction in life by opening that special place in their hearts again to God. The good news is that this God loves YOU too, and this love is UNCONDITIONAL! You don't need to try to be better to be accepted! You are loved as you are!
'Wait a minute!
Before you turn away and dismiss this whole article as a 'nonsense crap', please listen! I was like you once, but now I am completely different because I have found the Answer! If you really really want to have a new beginning, a new direction and meaning in life, JESUS is your only hope! Try Him! What I said is ABSOLUTELY TRUE! Jesus said,"I have come that they (you) may have life, life in all its fullness".(John 10:10) Invite Jesus to come and occupy that 'special place' in your heart! He will do it! You will be completely changed! It's amazing! It's unbelievable! This is a life of love, joy, peace and contentment!
May the LORD God bless you as you read this article!
01 February, 2010
I Believe
This is neither a Nicean Creed nor a doctrinal statement of a certain church. This is just a summary of my personal beliefs, and they form the basis of my faith, my way of life and thought, and they directly influence all my decisions in life!
1. I believe in God. I know this God personally, and He knows me better than I know myself! In fact, He created me! He is the most amazing and awesome God! There is none like Him!
2. I believe in the Trinity of God - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I do not fully understand the triune nature of God, and I am glad for that because if I know everything about God, He will not be God!
3. I believe the Bible is the Word of God, period!
4. I believe I am saved by the grace of God through Jesus Christ. This salvation is given absolutely free!
5. I believe I am the temple of the Holy Spirit who indwells, fills and empowers me to live a life pleasing to God.
6. I believe in miracles, and nothing is impossible with God!
7. I believe in a vibrant, active, supernatural and joy-filled Christian life!
8. I believe I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
9. I believe in Heaven where the righteous (in Christ) will live forever with God, and I believe in Hell where those who rejected Christ will be tormented forever.
10. I believe in and look forward to the Rapture of the Church/saints near the end times, and I believe the time is near!
11. I believe Christ will come again soon to put an end to evil, and to judge the living and the dead.
12. I believe in the Final Judgement where Jesus Christ is the Judge, and His judgement shall be absolutely fair and right! This is the final and permanent separation between saints and sinners! Saints will go to heaven, and sinners will go to hell!
1. I believe in God. I know this God personally, and He knows me better than I know myself! In fact, He created me! He is the most amazing and awesome God! There is none like Him!
2. I believe in the Trinity of God - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I do not fully understand the triune nature of God, and I am glad for that because if I know everything about God, He will not be God!
3. I believe the Bible is the Word of God, period!
4. I believe I am saved by the grace of God through Jesus Christ. This salvation is given absolutely free!
5. I believe I am the temple of the Holy Spirit who indwells, fills and empowers me to live a life pleasing to God.
6. I believe in miracles, and nothing is impossible with God!
7. I believe in a vibrant, active, supernatural and joy-filled Christian life!
8. I believe I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
9. I believe in Heaven where the righteous (in Christ) will live forever with God, and I believe in Hell where those who rejected Christ will be tormented forever.
10. I believe in and look forward to the Rapture of the Church/saints near the end times, and I believe the time is near!
11. I believe Christ will come again soon to put an end to evil, and to judge the living and the dead.
12. I believe in the Final Judgement where Jesus Christ is the Judge, and His judgement shall be absolutely fair and right! This is the final and permanent separation between saints and sinners! Saints will go to heaven, and sinners will go to hell!
22 January, 2010
New Year Reflections
Looking back upon my life during the past number of years, I knew I had missed out many of God's choicest blessings upon my life because of my disobedience, lack of discipline in my life or loss of my 'first love' for Him on countless occasions. I knew I had failed Him many times. Had I been more careful, more prayerful, more focussed and had I spent more time at His feet,....but regrets do not bring back lost opportunities! Those days, months and years are now gone forever!
Sometimes I wish I could rewind the past years and erase a large chunk of my life, and then restart it all over in a new and different way! Each day of my life would be stamped with a clear mark of obedience to my Lord, Jesus Christ, and I'll enjoy His fellowship and His presence every moment! How I wish I could do that!!
As I was reflecting on these thoughts, one Bible verse after another came to my mind:
"For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more". (Jer. 31:34). When God forgives my sins, He forgets! What an amazing thought!
"Search will be made for Israel's guilt, but there will be none; and for the sins of Judah, but none will be found.." (Jer. 50:20) When God forgives, He erases every trace of my sins! What an amazing God! Only Him, and Him alone could do such a thing! Awesome God!
A psalm of David followed: "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us". (Psalm 103:12) . Scientists tell us that no matter how far you go around the globe, east will never meet west! When God takes away my sins, no one will ever see them again! They are gone forever! Hallelujah!
Now I do not have to wrestle with guilt about my past! They are gone! My sins have been erased from God's great Book! " The blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin", says John (1 John 1:7).
God Himself said again in Isaiah 1:18, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool". Now, I realized that God has given me 'a clean slate' to start afresh with my life. I don't have to look back in to the past, but look ahead with joyful anticipation of His grace to see me through all the way! How wonderful is this God! Hallelujah! He is the God of Jacob the cheater; the God of David the adulterer and murderer; the God of Thomas the doubter; the God of Peter the backslider; and finally He is the God of sinners like me, the God of love and mercy!!
So then, knowing that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13), I am going to face the days ahead, "forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I [will] press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus"!(Phil. 3:13&14)
I love this GOD! There is none like HIM! He is My GOD!! Amazing ! Hallelujah!!
Sometimes I wish I could rewind the past years and erase a large chunk of my life, and then restart it all over in a new and different way! Each day of my life would be stamped with a clear mark of obedience to my Lord, Jesus Christ, and I'll enjoy His fellowship and His presence every moment! How I wish I could do that!!
As I was reflecting on these thoughts, one Bible verse after another came to my mind:
"For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more". (Jer. 31:34). When God forgives my sins, He forgets! What an amazing thought!
"Search will be made for Israel's guilt, but there will be none; and for the sins of Judah, but none will be found.." (Jer. 50:20) When God forgives, He erases every trace of my sins! What an amazing God! Only Him, and Him alone could do such a thing! Awesome God!
A psalm of David followed: "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us". (Psalm 103:12) . Scientists tell us that no matter how far you go around the globe, east will never meet west! When God takes away my sins, no one will ever see them again! They are gone forever! Hallelujah!
Now I do not have to wrestle with guilt about my past! They are gone! My sins have been erased from God's great Book! " The blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin", says John (1 John 1:7).
God Himself said again in Isaiah 1:18, "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool". Now, I realized that God has given me 'a clean slate' to start afresh with my life. I don't have to look back in to the past, but look ahead with joyful anticipation of His grace to see me through all the way! How wonderful is this God! Hallelujah! He is the God of Jacob the cheater; the God of David the adulterer and murderer; the God of Thomas the doubter; the God of Peter the backslider; and finally He is the God of sinners like me, the God of love and mercy!!
So then, knowing that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13), I am going to face the days ahead, "forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I [will] press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus"!(Phil. 3:13&14)
I love this GOD! There is none like HIM! He is My GOD!! Amazing ! Hallelujah!!
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